Join me and hundreds of other dads as we ditch the Dadbod Without Ever Getting Hangry 🏋️
Here's all you get for only $97 USD!
I've already helped thousands of fathers just like you to become FitDads 🏆
About Julius Kieser
Hi! I’m Julius.
I’m 43 years old and I have 6 beautiful kids.
I used to be fat and furious.
I had no patience for my kids, and couldn't have fun.
Perpetually tired, “I’m so busy with work” was all my kids ever heard.
Now I exercise for about 15 minutes a day, spending more time than I’ve ever had with my children, and eating food that is healthy, and more importantly REAL that puts my mind and body in a positive place.
I became less stressed, happier and I have energy levels I've never dreamed possible...
I want you to feel better, look better, and be happier as well.
That's why I created the FitDad & IronDad programs to help you achieve the same goals.